
What is value? Most companies talk about “value added” like it is an add on, something a little extra they are giving the customer after the sale has been made. But what does it really mean? How important is value? What role does it play in the buying and selling process?

Most people think of value as something that is added, as in value added over and above what you are already getting. Some small additional service, or something tacked on, a reduction in price or even something for free.

We look at it quite differently. Value is not something that you add, it is something inherent in the product, service and people that represent the company. The traditional idea indicates it is something that you get once you have purchased something. Something that is added after the sale. We feel it is something that is part of what we do and we give it away and give it often.

The value is in dealing with us, in our clean showroom, our attention to detail, our personal service, our interest in greeting you when you call or drop in. In helping you through the buying process with no pressure. The value is in the products and services we choose to sell. It is our installers who keep your property clean, who remove their shoes before entering your home, or say thank you when you offer them a cold drink or a coffee. Value to the customer is having the right person in the right position to deal with their concerns.

We are here to help you through the buying process for your home. We provide excellent advice prior to any transaction, we take the time to visit your home, find out your needs and come up with the correct solution. We provide high quality products and services that have been tested and proven for many years. We stand behind our work, our price and our people and our reputation means something to us. We are here to earn your trust and hopefully your business, we do not expect it or demand it and you can see that in our approach. What better value is there than a lifetime warranty and we have it!

Of course we want you to purchase from us, but we want you to do it on your terms and timetable not ours. It is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly so we encourage our customers to compare us to what else is out there in the market place. It usually makes us look very good

“People don’t like to be sold but they love to buy!” It is our job as sales people and an organization to create an atmosphere where people want to buy. If they like you, believe in you and trust you and they have confidence in what you are saying, then they might buy from you. Notice the word might is underlined, there is no guarantee in this area.

The following is a partial list of some of the reasons that people buy. This is a list that was compiled by a well known sales consultant and popular speaker after taking the time to actually ask his customers why they buy? This list is in order of importance to the customer, not the sales representative.

  1. They like their sales rep.
  2. I understand what I am buying
  3. I perceive a difference in the person and company that I am buying from
  4. I perceive a value in the product that I am purchasing
  5. I believe my sales rep
  6. I have confidence and trust my sales rep
  7. I feel there is a fit of my needs and their product or service
  8. The price seems fair, but it is not necessarily the lowest

You will notice that this list is completely focused on what the customer wants not what the sales person is selling. In no part of this list is high pressure or any type of coercion mentioned at all. What I think is the important point to take away is not only why customers buy, but why our customers buy from us.

At PM we are always striving to make sure we know why our customers buy from us. We take the time to get to know them and find out what their needs are and to tailor our products and services to that end. Windows and door are often viewed as commodities, something that can be purchased just about anywhere these days. We do not see it that way. We feel that the window or door represents about half of what you are buying the other half is the installation and the company you are buying from.

When items are viewed or sold based on price alone then there is no value to anyone in the transaction. It becomes all about the price. Take a close look at who you are considering for these products. Is it all they sell or are they pushing all types of products. Do they have a lifetime warranty. Are they local, if you have to call for service is it from the company you purchased the items from?

Will the product and service meet your expectations throughout the life of the product? If it doesn’t how much value will you feel you got at that point? When you walk into our showroom you will not see rows of windows and doors with sticker prices on them. We do not do business that way. Each client is unique as is their home improvement needs. We build each item to fit their requirements, not the other way around.

There are a lot of factors to consider when hiring a contractor to do any work around your house. For most people we believe that trust is key. Trust in the company, products people and service. At PM windows and doors “Our Products and people Make the difference”. We have been doing this for over 30 years, it is all we do and we are really good at it. Our clients trust us to provide the best products and service we can at the price. Ask anyone who has ever dealt with us they will know the PM difference.

I don’t think I’m made of the right materials for either. The quality products from PM Windows & Doors are made of only the best materials. Want to know more? Why not stop by and see what PM Windows & Doors can do for you?

Experienced property investors know that when it comes to their property, quality matters. Sometimes that “Handyman” you found online or met through a friend is the perfect guy to put up some drywall and paint or to repair a broken gutter, but is he the right person for your windows and doors? Does he have the experience, tools, training and knowledge to properly assess what you need and the best ways to complete the job? Does he carry a reliable warranty on his work? Far too many of our customers come to us after they have used “The Handyman” to do important work on their property only to find that it led to disaster. Before you have “The Handyman” do your windows and doors, why not speak to one of our qualified sales staff who can answer your questions and provide you with the insight necessary to make an informed decision? After all; it’s your investment, don’t you want to make a wise decision?

PM has completely updated our showroom with the latest styles and concepts for your next home investment. This gives customers a chance to physically see, touch and explore the various products that they are interested in. Why not stop by and see what PM Windows & Doors can do for you?

What a great way to makeover the look of the front of your home.

Ariss Door Replacement B&A

Vinyl windows are easy to maintain, they retain their colour well, and are virtually maintenance free. Simply wipe down the frames with soapy water and rinse.

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Please check back to our blog often as we will be providing regular tidbits of interesting information through our blog about windows and doors.